I find an old photo of my father in its old brownish color... he is putting a Tarboush on his head at a slight angle to his left and in a suit difficult to say which color, but very obvious is his white (yes white!) belt over his slightly big belly
He looks clean shaven with a small moustache, black tie over a white shirt. His left hand is closed tightly (nervously?) and his right one is hidden behind him. The background is not clear but it seems to be a sort of office or a room.
He looks in his late forties: about 25 years or so before his death. Maybe I was just around.
It is difficult to describe the look on his face... He seems rather embarrassed or shy or scared or all those things together.
I do not even know the time or the land where the photo was taken, but I prefer it to be in the Sudan because there he was healthy and happy. He was not in Egypt when he resettled there.
I look at the photo and him, thinking: most probably there are places and lands where we human beings are at our best... also there must be places which reflect on us sadness and sickness and unhappiness!
So many years have passed sincean unknown photographer took this photo, but there is or are things hanged strongly over it and over him...
I think sometimes when I look at the photo, I can smell him... with his particular smell... the smell of a father!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Good morning to the land of?!
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: the smell of my father
Working for free after turning 70!!
I got an interesting mail from a TV station, and I answered them and they responded...
CZECH TV: Thursday 2 or Friday 3/08
Dear Mr Moussad,
For CZECH Television I'm preparing a news reportage on the increased violence against homosexuals in some Amsterdam area's. As I read that you are an expert on the gay issues and an authority on the Amsterdam Arab gay scene, I was wandering if you would be available for an interview on this subject. Our journalist Barbora Samalova will be in Amsterdam on Thursday August 2 or on Friday August 3. The Interview would take about 20 minutes.
If you would need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Débora Votquenne
TV-News Research & Production
Headline News Facilities
Av. du Diamant 95
BE-1030 Brussels
tel: +32 2 732 41 40
fax: +32 2 732 46 03
Dear Debora
Thanks for your message and your proposal for me to speak on CZECH TV
I would like to explain 2 things here:
1) I am not THAT much of an EXPERT on gays issues and/or the Arab gays in Amsterdam. I am a writer and am interested in "marginal" groups in society. I volunteered to work in the Arab gay organization in Amsterdam helping in the cultural program. I wrote a novel in Arabic last year about the "Queen Boat people" in Egypt - the incident that attracted international support for Egyptian Gays.
2)I take a standard fee for my interviews on TV
You can look at: Ra'ouf Mus'ad - Wikipedia,
and http://madny.blogspot.com
phone 0031-0618172072
See youraouf
- -
Dear Raouf,
Many thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to pay for interviews.
Best Regards,
Posted by
10:44 AM
Labels: Shameful behaviour
Monday, July 30, 2007
To Hans from Canada who responded to my interview on Radio Netherlands on Homos
Let us deal with facts
1- I'm not Muslim so I am sure that my arguments on Islam and Islamic fundamentalists are more objective than yours.
And I have - and continue to - write about and criticize fundamentalists – not only Muslims – but Christians and Jews.
2- It is not necessary to be a fundamentalist to be a terrorist. But a terrorist could be a nationalist or in the resistance also !
3- History tells us that the first “religious terrorist" army was the crusades; the crusaders put crosses on their weapons and killed Arabs Muslims and Christians under a religious claim.
4- The spearhead of the western colonialist armies were the “missions" in Africa, Asia and Latin America
5- All religions do not accept the other religions. That is the reasons they all still exist or it would be one religion in the world!
6- Till recently - and still in some places in the West - gays are attacked no matter the colour of their skin, by groups of white youth and skinheads.
7- What do you think was - or still is - the KKK if not a group of white Christian terrorists?
8- When did the first Palestinian suicide bomber appeare? Less than 20 years ago. It means they were trying to find other ways. And I am very much against suicide bombers but also I'm very much against settlers and the killing of innocent Palestinians by Israeli soldiers
9- I am against the murder ofTheo van Gogh but am against his silly, provocative film and his partner Ayaan Hirsi Ali
So that is me and those are the facts which you are willing to ignore!
Posted by
12:55 PM
Labels: Arab homos in Amsterdam
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Security, security, security. Stupidity, Scheming, Spite. So much for shalom, salaam
Raouf forbade me from posting bad world news. And yet, here is some more, as humans Insaan are forgetful. For an excellent full-length documentary on the destruction wrought in the West Bank in the name of security for settlers, see the Iron Wall my Mohammed Alatar
Posted by
2:51 PM
Labels: Destruction by Israelis in West bank for illegal settlers
Undercover in Brixton
I like to think of myself as North London girl. Why, I not sure. After all I only moved back from Cairo 6 months ago and before that I was a anywhere-there-is-a-spare-room-in-greater-London girl. At some point my sister will come back from her holidays and throw me out. I say 'at some point' whilst knowing very well the exact date and time, and closing my ears to it, even though it is inside my very own head. Then I must choose where to live. For a Libran and an Elly, choice is very over-rated. Frankly I don't like it too much. In the past I just got to hear of a place that happened to be somewhere and I said yes before seeing it, and that was that - no agonising over whether it has good transport links or a good scene or is a murder hot-spot. Soon I will have to choose and maybe, just maybe I'll head south of the river... that is where I ended up last night - standing outside Brixton tube in my raincoat, waiting in a kind of hangover stupor to be picked up by my friend, and staring at everyone else waiting for whatever.
I'm a big starer - I just have to stare at people's faces and hands and clothes and the way they open their mouth, imagining everything about their absurd lives - absurd because it is not my life so is incomprehensible in its rhythm and purpose. A young girl ran across the road exaggeratedly grimacing in the rain, and a dark, handsome guy stood behind me and I couldn't look at him. Patrolling the entrance was a kind of motley crew of broken-nosed, toothless used day-travel-card touts. I gawped and scrutinised their interactions with each other and passing human traffic. I imagined how they might think me an undercover police-officer and that excited me so I gawped more intensely and smiled knowingly to myself, planning the write-up I would do back at the station. I wondered if they loved and looked after each other or if they were too paranoid and fucked-over to have friendships as I understand them. One white guy looked like he had arrived full of some hope from Latin America 20 years ago and been forgotten and beaten up here and just stayed. The two black men were a bit less unsightly but their stories looked bad.
Brixton rocks - it moves -it pulsates with life and longing and I love the bling - there is no bling in Golder's Green (GG). I think GG would think that is some achievement but it is a bit dreary - I like slutty-looking girls and church-going women and smelly students all kind of mixed up together. GG station entrance always has some rattled looking tourists and innocent Eastern European couples. And of course Brixton is black. Absolutely black. It might seem glib, but when you go from white North London to black South London, you begin to see how skewered your perspective is. It just stops making sense- any of the rationales; rather your own messiness makes sense again. The underground train that pulls out of Brixton tube station is black and when it arrives in GG it is white.
This is London. No, London is this and that and something else and keep guessing.
Posted by
2:02 PM
Labels: Brixton bling
Officer Lust?
Raouf, your interview with Radio Netherlands was excellent - not least because it was interspersed with comments by Officer Elly Lust. Am I hallucinating- surely they made that up?! I have now to quote the response to the article that you got online by a certain Hans from Canada:
"Not the Devil, but Hirsi Ali made me do it!" - Rauf Moussad is willfully confusing cause and effect here, I think. Sad to see that, as an intellectual, Moussad is following the usual Muslim/Leftist tactic of blaming problems of Islamic cultures on those outside it, never accepting their own responsibility. His remarks make the usual appeal to the reflex of self-hate of "evil colonialist racist" Liberal Western societies, who can easily be made to feel guilty about anything. Maybe those kids at the supermarket just didn't finish school. Maybe their segregated upbringing (secured and encouraged by Multiculturalism) didn't prepare them for life in modern society, but instead indoctrinated them to see the Dutch as enemies. Self-exclusion better describes it than victimhood. Historian Efraim Karsh wrote (in "Islamic Imperialism") that Muslim societies' problems can only be started to be addressed when their own inner dynamics are given more importance, instead of assuming they are mostly defined by the West's actions. After all, it's not only Islam's relation to the West that are troubled..."
Now surely you have an answer to this, Raouf habibi? The thing about Hans' comment is its tone of smugness and the scorn for 'Muslim communities' inner problems that is veiled in the neo-imperialist language of so-called tough love and realism; it goes something like this: 'We' here in the Western world have magnanimously and humbly - and for too long - admitted guilt over our rather embarrassing colonialist past, but enough is enough - accept that we are sorry and accept that it is the past and we can't do anything about it, so stop whining and start putting your own houses in order - I mean look at the mess you are making - all that tribalism and factional fighting and burning of your women - at least 'we' don't do that anymore - we have been to school and learnt good, modern values whilst 'you people' insist on staying in your neighbourhoods and resenting our good fortune and freedom and insisting on your backwards ways. Well, frankly we've had enough - either you adapt and shut up or you can go home...
Thank you Hans' for your generous words of understanding.
Posted by
1:36 PM
Labels: How the West tries to set the example for the East and fails rather miserably
المثليون الهولنديون من أصول عربية يتعرضون للعنف
ترجمة: حميد حداد
يتصاعد العنف ضد المثليين في أمستردام على ما يبدو. ليست هناك أرقام دقيقة، لكن من الثابت أن البلاغات لدى الشرطة في تزايد. منفذو الاعتداءات هم غالباً من الفتيان ذوي الأصول المغربية. لكن المثليين العرب هم أيضاً من ضحايا تلك الاعتداءات في الغالب. هذا ما يقوله الكاتب المصري المقيم في هولندا، والمهتم بشؤون المثليين رؤوف مسعد وهو زائر دائم لجمعية المثليين العرب في أمستردام.
يتردد الكاتب رؤوف مسعد على مقهى المثليين في العاصمة أمستردام "حبيبي أنا" حيث يتواجد الكثير من المثليين العرب. يسمع الكثير من قصص العنف التي هم ضحاياها. مساء الأمس أيضا وفي تجمع لهم في قاعة "براديسو" للحفلات في أمستردام كان ثمة خوف لدى الحاضرين.
"أنا الآن أكثر حذرا من السابق عندما اذهب إلى "حبيبي أنا" إذ أن الحالة أصبحت أكثر خطرا من السابق". وتحذرني زوجتي أيضا من الذهاب إلى هناك.
"أمستردام كانت لفترة طويلة عاصمة المثليين في العالم، لكن ذلك بدأ بالتغير. وهذا ما لا نريد له أن يحدث في أمستردام".
لكن مسعد يتساءل، لماذا ارتفع عدد تلك الاعتداءات ضد المثليين في السنوات الأخيرة تحديداً، بالرغم من أن التنوع ليس بالأمر الجديد في هولندا. ويرى أن ذلك بدأ بالتزامن مع صعود خطاب معادٍ للإسلام من قبل بعض الأحزاب اليمينية، بدأته السياسية من اصل صومالي ايان هيرسي علي. إضافة إلى شعور عام لدى كثير من الشباب المغربي بالعزلة والإحباط.
"أنهم يتحدثون الهولندية ودرسوا هنا لكنهم ليسوا جزءا من المجتمع الهولندي. نعم، فهم يعملون في الأسواق والمحلات كبائعين، مع الاحترام لكل الأعمال. لكن الإعلام الهولندي "أبيض"، وكل الوظائف المغرية والبراقة محتكرة من قبل الهولنديين الأصليين. لذلك يبحث هؤلاء عن خلاصهم في الدين، يذهبون إلى الجامع حيث يتم الحديث أحيانا عن المثليين بكراهية" يقول مسعد.
تنمو الكراهية لدى هؤلاء الفتيان ضد المجتمع الهولندي و كذلك ضد كل قيم المجتمع كالتسامح اتجاه المثليين.
يمارسون العنف الآن ضد المثليين العرب، وهو ما يمكن تفسيره بسهولة، يقول مسعد. فالمثليون العرب يمثلون حقا القيم الغربية. علاوة على ذلك فهم ليسوا أقوياء، فهم يخفون ميولهم عن عائلاتهم. لهذا ما زالوا لا يجؤون على التقدم ببلاغ حين يتعرضون لاعتداء أومضايقة.
ليس من المعروف بعد عدد المثليين العرب الذين تقدموا ببلاغات لدى مركز البلاغات الخاص التابع لشرطة أمستردام. ووفقا لايلي لوست فإن الدخول إلى مركز الشرطة يظل أمراً يحتاج إلى شيء من الجرأة، حتى لدى المواطنين الأصليين من غير المثليين. لهذا فقد تأسست مؤخراً وحدة شرطة خاصة تسمى "وردي بالأزرق" -اللون الوردي هو شعار المثليين، والأزرق زيّ الشرطة الهولندية- ويعمل فيها شرطة ذوو ميول مثلية. تعمل هذه الوحدة في مككز البلاغات التلفونية، كما يقوم أفرادها بدوريات في شوارع العاصمة أمستردام اثناء كرنفال المثليين الذي سيبدأ هذا العام في الرابع من اغسطس القادم.
Posted by
11:44 AM
Labels: homos
The language of the mystics... the language of love
Ibn al Farid lived a solitary life in Cairo and Hijaz, and his Arabic odes, small in number "resemble the choicest and finest jewel -work of a fastidious artist rather than the first fruit of a Divine inspiration " to quote one of his interpreters, Reynold A. Nicholson
"Ice cool are his deep-red lips, and sweet his mouth to kissing in the morning,
yea, even before the toothpick's cleansing excelling the musk in fragrance
and investing it with its own perfume
of his mouth and his glances cometh my intoxication: nay, but see a vintner
in his every limp.
When the silence of the rings upon his fingers vexed him,
then the girdles about his waist speak forth to the uttermost of his desire:
Delicate are those girdles,and fine that waist, the former is akin to my love-song
and the latter draweth out of excellence of its meaning
so that it vies with it Therine
like the bough of the tree
he is in stature,
and like dawn in beauty
his hair is dark as night
reaching down even to the middle of his back .."
Posted by
10:33 AM
Labels: Ibn al Farid, SUFIS
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Arab homos in Amsterdam
Gays in Amsterdam
Some years ago I was looking at the gay pride (not parade) in Amsterdam which takes place every year through the canals by boats .. I heard Arabic music and then saw what looked like Arabs men dancing badly.
I followed them and got their name Habibi Ana a bar for Arab homos
That is beginning of my knowing them and I go almost every week to have drink in the bar and sometimes I take my wife or my lady friends... and they have accepted me and I them. I volunteered for a year to do some cultural activities for them (without great results )
Lately there were some bad incidents against Arab gays who have been targeted by Moroccans boys; or that is what the media said
I know about that and I was worried about my own safety
Some Dutch radio contacted me asking what I think about this new phenomena... and why is it escalating now?
Posted by
12:53 PM
Labels: Arab homos in Amsterdam
Friday, July 27, 2007
M and my dirty laundry
I always cross the line. That invisible line between professional and personal in the vicinity of which I too often dwell. I do not say this with pride as I once read that it is a sort of pathological condition - the insistence on being authentically ourselves all the time.
M is not exactly my cleaner so I am spared from saying here, 'my cleaner said' and so on; she is the cleaner of my sister and brother-in-law's house. But that is where I am house-sitting at the moment so for now she cleans up after me.
M insists my Spanish is fluent in the same way that misguided friends believe I speak good Arabic. So M and I chatter away in Spanish and of course I ask her about her son who is on holiday with her family in Colombia, and she talks happily about how he scolds her for calling to often and not letting him get on with her holiday. And not quite from one minute to the next - as I like to talk and listen too- but after an hour or so, M is in tears and I am comforting her, and I wonder is this wrong?
Should I stick to the right side of the line - is is somehow unfair to let someone with whom the power relations are so unequal - open up their heart to you, let you into their confidences? But I am a 'nobody' too if it comes to that: I have no paid work, no home, no husband, no authority. M is my sister's cleaner: the possessive is attached to her name.
The first part of M's story is horrific. Then I hear perhaps worse.
One day over eight years ago her waters broke. She took herself into a London hospital, St. Mary's in Paddington, and said in her broken English - I have no water inside - the baby cannot breath, y 'esta hogando'. She was ignored and told to return home and wait for labour to begin. She became ill and was admitted to hospital and yet they did not induce her. One day, ten days later, a specialist came by and he happened to have worked in Argentina for years and spoke perfect Spanish - he talked to her and exploded in anger: "Why was I not called earlier? This poor woman, this poor woman." M repeats his sympathetic chant proudly: "Esta pobre senora; esta senora pobrecita".
M is in agony by now and she is given an emergency Cesarean. The baby boy is full-term, but rushed to intensive care with breathing problems, his skin covered in black marks. M is also in a very bad way but keeps telling the nurse: "I don't care if I die, but don't let my son die, please save my child."
It is difficult to plead convincingly in a foreign language.
M's tears do not come yet but her eyes are shining and it is at the moment she tells me of how she was taunted by the nurses: "You cry-baby; you're a cry-baby; stop crying!" and as she begged the nurses to get her baby out, they reproached her, "Are YOU a doctor; are you a doctor? You're not a doctor; just wait."
And it was then I felt sick; what causes and what necessities such aggression or rather what is it about M that encourages the British nurses to have such contempt for her opinions and such an absence of sympathy for her physical discomfort?
M and I have been sitting on the floor of my sister's dressing room; she scrubbing a stain on the carpet that I failed to remove after my cat left me a little 'present' there some days back. I'm still in my sister's big towelling dressing-gown. We move upstairs to the third floor to change some sheets or hang some laundry and we get stuck on the mezzanine, and now she is crying, but not about the nurses and the hospital and the fear of death, which she swore to forget - too painful as it was, but about her husband who stupidly cheated on her. I say 'stupidly' because he didn't think it through and he seems to be worse off for it now. The details are a little fuzzy in my head already but it goes something like this: they applied to the council to move to a bigger flat, and they were lucky and were give a new flat in a better part of London. Across the road from a pub.
M's husband, J, begins to spend his days in the pub. I suppose he has a history of drinking, but we don't go into that. From her window M watches the coming and goings of regulars - many of whom are women who do not seem to work and pass all day there, drinking and laughing. J begins to come home later and later and one day when he fails to come home by 2am she somehow traces his footsteps and sees his car outside one of the regulars' houses; a woman she got to know from her window. M is crying and I hug her and suggest we move up the stairs as it is odd to narrate such a story on a mezzanine. We move up to in front of the washing-machine and stop, and she continues. I don't press her to sit down. She is advised by her counsellor and lawyer to not take him back, to divorce him. She does throw him out, but she won't divorce. He pleaded and pleaded with her to forgive him, sending SMS saying how much he loves her and how sorry he was, but she resisted. Now she says she feels nothing - no desire - if he passes a hand over her knee. He still visits sometimes, in fact she continues to do all his laundry and stays up ironing his shirts. Why, God Damn it, I ask? He isn't capable, she replies.
M invites me to stay - she has a spare bedroom she says proudly. Now her son sleeps in her bed as he is afraid of burglars/murderers/pirates and wants to protect his mother. If J, the father, visits, the son forbids him from entering their bedroom.
M breast fed her son until he was four and a half years old and until she went to the doctor and was told that she must stop and also that she was over-feeding him and his intestines would explode! Each morning she would prepare soup and several purees; she was terrified he would starve to death.
Something else M said to me as she scrubbed the second stain on another part of my sister's carpet chilled me: Once she decided to go into the pub across the road and talk to the lady she had seen her husband with. The woman shouted at her to go back to her home, and taunted her: "You don't drink; you don't smoke; you like being in the home all day, so go home. that's where you belong." This was another woman who said that. But then this was an English drunk addressing a petite Colombian woman. And we all know about other 'cultures' and 'traditions' and can remind people of what their culture dictates for them. M looked at me a little shyly and said, "you know I do drink a little glass sometimes, just a short glass; It's not because of my religion."
I decided finally to have a shower and M changed the sheets on my bed.
Posted by
2:03 PM
Labels: Abuse, Cleaning, drinking, estrangement, my sister's house, stains
Thursday, July 26, 2007
A story and its story
I received some good news (for a change)
That a short story I had written about one year ago responding for the strange demand of a small Dutch publishing house is going to be published after a long period of complete silence! It began by some whims or that what I believe from this publisher asking some NON-Dutch writers who live in Holland to write about Holland from a funny perspective! So to be funnier I decided to write the story in English which I do not master... I sent the story and we both forgot about it (the publisher and myself).
Then I got to know Elly who proposed one day - as a whim I think – to do our Blog. I asked her to “look“ at the story and she did, mainly editing and correcting it. We both forgot about it also. Then I got an email from a lady whom I do no know; I hesitated to open it, worried about many things: a virus, request for a donation, the promise of millions in the lottery I do not know about, and of course bad news... because what sort of stranger would write to me, unless it was to tell me bad news? But I am curious... so I read it and it was from this silent publishing house about the forgotten story asking for an appointment to discuss editing it to publish it soon.
I searched in my computer for Elly’s version of the story but could not find it... I wrote to her to send me copy. She did so. I sent it to the lady and we agreed a fixed day for our meeting and some days before the meeting I get mail from her asking to postpone the meeting till the end of August, because she is going in vacation... I agreed (what else can I do?) though wondering that the lady being Dutch must know in advance the timetable of her summer vacations
C'est la vie!
And here is the story
Fata Mourgana in Amsterdam
It was after two long months of waiting in the Camp – the political refugee camp in this country – that at last I had an invitation from my lawyer to discuss my case. My case is simple, but my lawyer (she had been appointed by some ministry or another) thinks it isn’t easy. Here in this country they believe that many things are not easy. However, I told her, “Madam Lawyer, I do not care what the result of the court case is, I care about one thing only: I want to go back”. She asked, what about the case? I said never mind the case; I want to go back to the desert where I belong. Of course, she – like all people here – wants to find logical reasons for the behaviour of human beings… logical!
She thinks I am illogical.
From the beginning when they arrested me here because I do not have a visa, 'they' did not know what to do with me. I had come to ask for justice, but instead of giving me what I wanted, they arrested me so they could subject me to their own justice. I told them, “sorry that I come here without a visa. Now let me go back”, but they said, “Sorry, you cannot go back until we put you in court, and find a lawyer to defend you. We,” they said, “want you to know that you cannot do things like this without facing the consequences.”
That means simply they want to punish me.
I also know that she, ‘Madame Lawyer’, wants to wash her hands of me and my case. I do not blame her; she told me in our first meeting, in her expensive office over one of the canals, that my case confused her. She said so jokingly, and I asked her why? She replied that I challenged her basic and human belief in herself as a lawyer. I did not understand, but I did’t comment. She told me that her work is bringing justice to people who have been treated unjustly.
Then I knew I had made a mistake.
If you ask me now, what mistake, and why is this happening, I can tell you at length the whole story of my journey, which became more important and even more interesting than the reason for it. So let us begin with the mistake: that was asking for justice. But let me tell you something about myself: I have no special liking or hatred for the cities and countries and the refugee camps through which I passed asking for justice. They are just places that belong to other people who are different from me in every way: skin colour, language, habits and of course climate and food - even the way they laugh. In spite of all that, or perhaps because of it, I do not mind much the places, countries, people, language, food and climate, because I know I am not going to stay here and live in a small concrete place like my cousin.
And, by the way, I did not come here to look for work or to live or even to visit my cousin who has a shawarma shop in Amsterdam. Justice is like looking for a mirage - not in the desert where we know how to find it and when - but looking for it in buildings and papers and law.
For a person like me who was born in a tent in the desert with a lot of sand and space around me, there are many paths to justice. For instance if a camel enters my aunt Fatima’s small farm and eats the plants there, we do not punish the camel, we give Fatima something instead, like money or food as compensation. But if the camel insists on visiting her farm, then we give her the camel, and she is free to do what she likes with it. Most probably, she will take him with her own hands and let him eat from her farm. This land here is a small, watery, grey and rainy in the mornings, and long, dark and rainy at nights. I was born near ‘The Mountain’ atop of which it is said, and deeply believed, that God spoke and chatted with Moses.
When somebody like Moses and his people run to the desert asking for help and safety, they come to us. We do not put them in prison (we do not even have one; the government have many) we put them in the guest tent, offer them food and water, and after three days we ask them what they want. It’s said that Moses’ people were lost in the desert for forty years until they found their way out. But we have stayed in the desert for thousands of years and never want to leave. We know the ways in and out. That is the basic problem that I am facing now: we do not want to leave the desert.
But let me say it slowly after my old way of telling things, not the new quick way people want to hear things from someone like me: "please can you hurry up; we do not have all the time in the world” and I smile politely or at least they think so, to show that "no offence is intended” but I am not sure why they spend a lot of time sitting in cafés and bars waiting for some person to speak with them.
However, let me concentrate.
Some three years ago exactly when my youngest daughter was born, I became the leader of my tribe after my father's death. He left everything to me, as I am the elder son. I got his camels (and his Japanese four-wheel drive), his sword (there were also modern weapons) and a big piece of the desert with some hills which is also part of the common heritage of the tribe. This land has the prettiest scenery between The Mountain and the sea (at the point where it is believed that Moses’ tribe crossed the red sea when fleeing from the Pharaohs). I was born in this area just like my father and his father and all my ancestors. This area has a history of people fleeing injustice to hide in it. There are places there where one could live in peace, listening to stories beside the fire, and nobody could find you if you did not want to be found.
And, there are lots of mirages.
My family earned their money and reputation by giving refuge to people and by leading the Believers to the top of The Mountain either by mule, or by foot for those who want to suffer more than the others. When I was very young, I used to climb The Mountain waiting for the voice of God to speak to me because I stuttered. I grew out of stuttering but I still wish to hear voices from the top of the mountain. The time came for me to leave The Mountain, the tent, my family, and the desert, when I turned fifty-six, travelling to other lands asking for justice, or because I thought that I should fight for justice. I had to travel, and leave behind me interrogations and torture (and possibly death).
Here the problem I mentioned earlier began with mirages.
People who do not live in the desert know nothing about mirages:
For them what they believe they see, mirages, becomes real.
For us, the people of the desert, they become things to play with. Why? Because we are not bored; when you live in the desert you have to do a lot of things just to survive, but if you are sure of your survival then you become like the mirages, you do not have to do anything; you are just there.
Then you get bored.
Sometimes you want to play or want to kill.
However, because we the people of the desert know mirages well enough, we only let them play with us and not kill us.
We enjoy playing games and tricks together with them.
One of the funniest games is what we desert people call "catching mirages"
The desert is like a human being: it loves tricks and games.
I did not tell my lawyer or the investigator from the Ministry of Justice about this. They would think I was crazy. I told them about other things that are part of the reason why I came. Some rich tourist company from across the sea wants to take the common land of the tribe and build hotels and swimming pools on it (the sea is so near!) but I refused to sell it at any price. The other reason the tribe do not want to sell this land is because it is full of mirage games. I played here and my children and their children are playing "catching mirages" on it. Some tribes even take permission from us to play at catching mirages on our land and in time it became a great festival. The games being like this: We all know when the perfect time for the mirages to appear is. So we wait. They always come in time, and begin to call us to play with them. One would say, “I see the lost camel of Salem... he is walking beside the tent of Mohammed the son of Ali.” Another would say: no it is not a camel you are seeing; it is the four-wheel drive of my brother Ibrahim, which was stolen; I see it in the oasis of the tribe of our cousins. The players divide themselves into two teams. The players of the first team agree with the person leading their team. The second team agree with their leader. Then, we the elders of the tribe, agree amongst ourselves which team should win. The winner must slaughter a goat or two and then we all sit and eat together.
Then the tourist company came offering us money to sell.
Of course, the news spread across the desert and all the tribes were angry. I felt that the desert became angry and more hostile: the water in the secret places is disappearing and palm trees refused to produce dates on time.
Because the desert could hear things and sounds like human beings.
I called the elders to a meeting to discuss what was happening. We took days over the meeting, and we all agreed not to sell. This decision was received badly by the tourist company and by the police officers in the desert because they know how much baksheesh the company will give them to close their eyes to the collecting of corals from the sea, when the tourists go diving in forbidden areas, or to the shooting of eagles, which is also strictly forbidden.
It happened suddenly: they came with guns and many soldiers to dismiss us from the tribal land. They said we do not have any papers to prove our ownership of the land. True we do not have silly papers, because, quite simply, our ancestors arrived before "they" came to the valley. The elders of the tribes asked me to travel to the other side of the world and put our complaints to the chiefs of the tribes of the world. So I went to the embassy of the land of America where their nationals sit and listen to complaints. They refused to give me visa and laughed at me. They told the local authorities about me. However, I know people who accept money to help other people to travel. My cousin in Amsterdam said, “Why go to America? Come here to this land because they have the greatest court of justice in the world.” So I decided to go to see and speak with my cousin who lives in Amsterdam where it is known he has a big restaurant. He met a woman from this country some years ago when she came to climb the mountain and she took him back with her. Once only he came back to visit his mother and told us fantastic stories about his wife’s country and how he eats a lot of halal meat every day (because his mother was worried that he is not eating halal meat). He told us a story about the important people who come to his restaurant and ask him advice about many things. He said that this country likes justice so much that they made a special court to bring before judges bad people even if they are big kings or high police officers.
Why was I chosen to travel? Because I know the tongues of two other big lands from the other side of the sea. I learned their tongues when I used to trade in the town nearby where tourists come to climb The Mountain. And of course I did not get visa from the embassy of this land; I was smuggled in after I paid a lot of money.
My cousin in Amsterdam has a small shop selling halal shawarma, not a big restaurant as he said. But never mind. He seems happy to see me. He named his shop Fata Mourgana. I asked him what it meant. He smiled and told me it means mirage. He said it’s because he misses the mirages.
But then the police came to arrest me one day because I have no visa and put me in the camp which is like a prison. My cousin brought a good lawyer who said that I came here to seek political asylum even though I told the police that I am asking only for justice and would like to return to my tent and my desert and my mirages as soon as I am finished.
That is how I become a refugee in the camp.
My lawyer believes me, or at least that is what she has told me. She is asking to meet today to discuss ‘the case’ as she put it. My cousin also advised me to drop the whole thing. I asked him – after I agreed – if he can put me in contact with people who can smuggle out of here and back to my tent. He looked at me as if I was crazy.
I am sitting now in his mirage shop after he came to collect me from the railway station. I smell the food he is giving to clients: not very nice. I asked for just coffee. I think I would not mind returning to the desert or even to a prison in my land where everything is clear: the mirage is a mirage and the injustices are injustices; the prison is a prison not a camp as they call it here. I think he began to like my idea because he looked at me and began to laugh. He said, “People pay a lot of money to come here and you want to pay money to get out; where is the logic?” he asked. We both laughed. I heard him speaking to some people on his phone asking about a way to smuggle me out.
Amsterdam January 2006
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12:19 PM
Labels: Story
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A white person in a black land
Photographer wants to break cliché image of Africa
by Philip Smet*
A series of photographs taken in Ghana has won Viviane Sassen the Prix de Rome, a Dutch award for artists aged 35 or under. Viviane Sassen wants her pictures to break the cliché image of Africa. But even though her heart is in Africa, she does not want to leave Europe, where she works as a photographer for glossy magazines and fashion houses. "Africa is almost a mirror to me. I encounter myself when I'm there. This is of course because of my childhood there. These were crucial years, which gave me my first memories," Viviane Sassen says. The photographer lived in Kenya until the age of five.
"It is all very familiar, being there is a bit like coming home. Even though I am also an outsider, a white person in a black land"
She first returned to the continent as an adult and travelled to South Africa, but did not recognise the sounds and the smells, the people from her earliest childhood years until she visited the townships.
"I discovered an energy there which I was unable to find in the white South Africa. I went back there every spare moment I had."
In Cape Town she simply photographed what she saw. Later, during travels to East Africa, she cautiously started staging photographs and during her latest trip to West Africa, to Ghana, she staged many more. She asks a lot from the people whose photographs she takes. "It means I have to explain why, to make sure my intentions are well understood"
"In creating their work, every artist or photographer also partly creates a self portrait," Viviane says. But she also wants to achieve something with her African photographs. She believes that the Western image of Africa is too limited.
"It often focuses on hunger and drought, in black and white, printed on coarse-grained paper. Or on nature and primitive tribes. Their worn-out Nikes are kept out of the picture because they do not match our romantic images of 'the savage'. This is completely different from the image of Africa that I have."
Viviane Sassen hopes her pictures will make people think and help differentiate the prevailing cliché image of Africa.
A striking feature of her work is the many faces that are in shade. This is intentional. Viviane says she wants to "stand the idea on its head that you believe you know someone when you see their face."
She says that allowing a shadow to fall on the faces of Africans so often is "almost a political statement. World power is in the hands of white men. Those who are least visible, are African women. That's where my fascination began." She also refers to an archetype by Carl Jung, who said that shadow stands for that which is repressed or denied.
"I don't care about money or awards, I care about recognising beauty, to capture and record it." Viviane Sassen wants to travel and work more in Africa. In addition, she wants to continue working assignments, for instance in fashion photography.
"I want to see and experience what it is like for a Westerner to integrate on the African continent, but I don't want to miss out on Europe. It is part of my heritage. I want to combine black and white."
In photograpy, a combination of black and white always means grey, but in this case Viviane thinks differently. "No, not grey, no," she smiles.
* RNW translation (gsh)
Posted by
10:25 PM
Labels: Breaking Cliches, Ghana, Photography, Viviane Sassen
I was laughing in my dream
Part one
The old man and ET
Story by Raouf
(It is p“To be old sometimes is not nice”. His friend was breathing into his ear sitting in an almost empty bar, having their weekly meeting in their imaginary club which they called “fucking nagging"
They are complete opposites. Both are in their late sixties: he has been married for more than twenty-five years and his friend about thirty years...
Kids and grandchildren. Both retired. One is happy... the other is not.
But they like each others company (from time to time; once a week). So suddenly he told his friend “I met a special ET“. The other looked at him without understanding, a bit worried.
- ”What ?“
- I was smiling in my dream yesterday night
- Why?
- No whys. .. I do not know. I think because some hours before I had met this ET and we were kissing like hell...
- the other kept looking at him
So he told him how he met the ET.
It was She he began his report. I was walking towards my Friday bar when this nice lady friend of mine phoned me on my mobile.
- Which one? The one who let you touch her breast from time to time?
- Yes
- Yes what ?
- Yes the one who let me touch her breast
And, he continued, we agreed to meet in the bar which she knows. She said she had a girlfriend with her and would like to bring her. So they came and we settled with our drinks. His friend began to pay more attention.
- Pretty?
- Very... in a special way
- Why special?
- I do not know... just special
- Ok, go on
The bar was crowded, the music was loud so we brought the chairs near each other to be able listen to each other. He found himself between the two women almost touching. His lady friend kissed him sensually, put her tongue in his mouth(which she likes to do with him). He responded and turned to the other woman and kissed her quickly on her lips; she responded and kissed him back.
- She did not object?
- No! She was waiting for the kiss
- I do not believe that !
- as you wish !so from time to time we all kissed ..
His lady friend whom he did not sleep with yet - but there is a vague promise of that - was encouraging him to be more daring with the other woman, whispering in his ear “do take care of her, bring her another drink“ which he obliged gladly.
- Your lady friend did not object? How old is the other one?
- In her thirties. Do not interrupt! no ! Why would she? I think she wants to share her friend with me.
- Why you think so?
- Because she left and insisted that I stayed with the other
- She was angry?
- No! I took her to the street and kissed and every thing was OK...
This was more than OK to him; he told the other woman that he would like to go out for a while to get some fresh air... asked her to come with him and she stood up quickly and they went out together.
– The moment we were out I pushed her against the wall and kissed her.
– And she?
– She kissed me with lust and great passion... we touched... I put my hand inside her clothes with great liberty and daring - a thing I did not done for a long time and she also became daring
– How ?
– You dirty old man!
And thy laughed and coughed a lot
- So why you call her ET ?
For two reasons which fit her very well. She is like ET in the old film: he came from space and made people around him happy and alive again, and also because she was as a tigress in an elegant way; so I called her elegant tigress and she likes that and wants to be that and begins calling herself when we mail: ET
- But I did not get the connection between your dream and the girl...
His friend was annoyed and added “Why do I never meet those women you always meet... Those ETs?”. He asked as he was blaming him
- Because you are always grumbling; the ETs only come to people who are happy like me
- Why you are happy? You are old and sick
- Fuck you!
They both coughed, and one only was laughing
art of "NIGHTS SITUATIONS" a work in progress by Raouf about SITUATIONS!!)
Posted by
4:49 PM
Labels: Story
Sunday, July 22, 2007
His name was Zanussi.... like the washing machine
He was only 12. I loved this child. I think I let him down; he thought I would marry Shawqi who was his friend, but then suddenly I was always with Waleed, and Shawqi was angry. Zanussi tried to be polite with me, but he began to avoid me: his heart was too pure to understand how childish and fickle adults are, and how strangely distressing it is to be rejected by a child.
Posted by
6:32 PM
Yes, Raouf
I have seen no one this weekend; there is actually no one I want to see. Not my family who may love me, but will not even try and behave, and too often talk to me like I'm an idiot. Not my male friends who I can hardly stand any more - so much do they suck my energy and moan or tell me they care about me, when I hardly believe so much bullshit from such limp penises. Not my female friends who are mostly too far, in another country or who hardly make the effort to come to my part of London. It is always me who takes bus after bus and this weekend I am nothing but tired. I fell asleep reading on my bed on Saturday afternoon, although I would have preferred to have sex, if I could find a penis with a brain and a sense of responsibility, worthy of me. Look, Raouf - you have posted NOTHING in the last week, and if you want MY self-pity and anger rather than my posted news items, then you have it here. Rather ugly, don't you think?
Posted by
6:15 PM
Elly's mood
for some reasons Elly is not” in the mood " of writing lately . I think she is in bad mood ! OK that is her right .
But why she wants us ( readers and friends ) to be depressed and read every day about cases in Iran . Egypt . Gaza.. and so on .. I read them in the morning in my room in Amsterdam after a usual restless night .. the days are not better : rains and silly weather ( I have no other word ) .. and we are in summer .. I have a small garden was hoping to spend some time in it ..
So I took my tea drink my coffee . looking at the silly weather from behind my window , can not use my garden , set in front of my computer hoping .. Hoping there would be something to cheer me up .. and here is elly making the last touches of completing the depressed day which is just begins ..
Worlds problems? yes we should follow and say our opinion and support human rights cases ..but what about our problems ? our personal problems which we hide under thick foundations of being interest in “world’s problems ?“
writing does need mood .. it needs courage!.. raouf
Posted by
10:14 AM
Labels: Elly
Saturday, July 21, 2007
خليك فى البيت
' Stay at home and raise the Egyptian Flag' Protest, Monday 23rd July
هذا هو عنوان الدعوة لبروفة العصيان المدنى ، التى توصل اليها 7 من المواطنين والشباب المصريين المهمومين بأوضاع الوطن بعد حوار طويل بينهم توصلوا خلاله إلى صياغة هذه الفكرة التى سبق أن طرحتها قوى سياسية ووطنية نظريا ، لكن جاء نقلها من حيز الفكرة النظرية إلى إطار التجربة الواقعية على أيدى هؤلاء الشباب
انتشار الفكرة والدعوة لها بدأ عبر نشر حمدين صباحى – عضو مجلس الشعب ووكيل مؤسسى حزب الكرامة – لحوار طويل دار بين الشباب السبعة فى مقاله الأسبوعى بجريدة " الكرامة " التى تبنت حملة " خليك فى البيت " ، وتابعتها بنشر ردود الأفعال التى بدأت تتوالى بين تأييد ومعارضة ، وتقديم اقتراحات لتطوير وتفعيل الفكرة وانتشارها
حملة " خليك فى البيت " بدأت تلقى انتشارا ورواجا معقولا فى الأسابيع الأخيرة ، من خلال حوارات عديدة حولها واقتراحات متنوعة لإثرائها ، عبر عدد من المنتديات والمواقع والمدونات على شبكة الإنترنت .. كما بدأت تنال استحسان عدد من القوى السياسية والقيادات الوطنية
An analysis in English on Baheyya
الحملة ببساطة تدعو إلى بقاء المصريين فى بيوتهم يوم 23 يوليو المقبل ، احتجاجا على حكم نظام حسنى مبارك وسعيه لتوريث ابنه جمال ، وكل ما يمثله هذا النظام من استبداد وفساد وقهر وقمع وديكتاتورية وتطبيع وبطالة وفقر ومرض .. إلخ
وأن يرفع المصريون علم مصر على شبابيك أو فى بلكونات منازلهم توكيدا على انتمائهم لهذا البلد وتمسكهم بالدفاع عنه وأن البلد بلدنا وليست بلد عصابة الحكم
فكرة البقاء الاحتجاجى فى المنازل بشكل جماعى كشكل أقرب إلى الاضراب العام هى جزء من أشكال العصيان المدنى السلمى ، وهو صار السبيل الوحيد لمصر وشعبها للخروج من نفق حكم مبارك المظلم .. فلا الأحزاب السياسية المعارضة نجحت فى توسيع الهامش الديمقراطى لتفرض الديمقراطية شروطها ، و ليصبح هناك أمل فى ان يختار الشعب حكامه
ونوابه وممثليه على كل المستويات عبر انتخابات نزيهة تتضاءل فرص تحققها فى ظل التطور من تقفيل الصناديق إلى إلغاء الاشراف القضائى إلى البلطجة والتزوير العلنى والرشاوى الانتخابية
ولا المظاهرات الاحتجاجية التى قادتها حركة كفاية والقوى السياسية والوطنية نجحت فى الضغط على النظام بل قوبلت بالقمع والسحل والاعتقالات والحصار الأمنى .. ولا وجود لقوى اصلاحية داخل النظام الحاكم للرهان عليها فمن يسمونهم " اصلاحيون " داخل الحزب الحاكم هم أنفسهم قادة عملية " التوريث " لجمال مبارك والمستفيدين منه
باختصار لم يعد أمام المصريون من سبيل سوى أن يتقدموا بأنفسهم للتصدى لهذا النظام الذى تسبب فى كل الجرائم والكوارث التى يعانى منها الوطن والشعب ، بدءا من تراجع دور مصر عربيا ودوليا من قائد للأمة العربية إلى سمسار عقد صفقات تطبيع مع الكيان الصهيونى وتبعية لأمريكا ، مرورا بكل الممارسات الديكتاتورية والاستبدادية سياسيا واقتصاديا واجتماعيا ، وليس انتهاءا بكل ما يعانيه الشعب المصرى من ظلم وتعذيب وفقر ومرض وبطالة وانتهاكات يومية
الأمل الوحيد الآن أن يبدع الناس أنفسهم أسلوبا جديدا يناسب واقعهم وظروفهم للتعبير عن موقفهم من هذا النظام وإجباره على الرحيل ، ولعل فكرة البقاء الاحتجاجى فى المنازل كأحد أساليب العصيان المدنى تكون البداية .. تبقى نقطة قد تبدو مثيرة للدهشة وربما السخرية لى البعض ، وهى أن 23 يوليو الذى ندعو الناس للبقاء فى بيوتهم خلاله هو يوم إجازة رسمية بالفعل ، والطبيعى أن يبقى الناس فى منازلهم فى الاجازة ، لكن الموعد مقصود تماما ، فهو من حيث كونه يوم إجازة يمثل ضمانا لإلتزام المقتنعين بالفكرة بتنفيذها ، وتسهيلا عليهم بعدم وجود أى عوائق أو التزامات من نوع العمل أو الدراسة أو الارتباطات بأى مصالح عامة أو خاصة فى هذا اليوم .. فلا مبرر للخروج من البيت لدى أى ممن سيقتنع بهذه الفكرة .. ومن جانب آخر فهذا اليوم ذاته هو يوم ذكرى ثورة يوليو – اتفقنا او اختلفنا معها – وهو يوم مناسب من حيث المغزى أيضا ، فاذا كان 23 يوليو 1952 شهد ثورة " الضباط الأحرار " فنحن نريد لـ 23 يوليو 2007 أن يكون بداية ثورة " الناس الأحرار "
إذا كنت ممن يرفضون بقاء نظام مبارك وتوريث ابنه جمال .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت من المعارضين للصلح والتطبيع مع العدو الصهيونى وبيع القضية الفلسطينية .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر ..إذا كنت من الرافضين للإرتماء فى أحضان أمريكا والتبعية لها وتأييد غزو العراق .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
..إذا كنت ممن يشعرون بالمرارة والمهانة والذل يوميا فى وسائل المواصلات وطوابير العيش وأقسام الشرطة وغيرها .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت ممن يعانون أو يعانى أبنائهم من البطالة .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت من الرافضين لاستبداد نظام مبارك واحتكار الحزب الوطنى للسلطة والحياة السياسية .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت ضد تزوير الانتخابات وفرض حكام وممثلى الشعب بالبلطجة والإرهاب وتقفيل الصناديق .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت من الرافضين لتحول حكومة مصر إلى حكومة بيزنس ورجال أعمال زأصدقاء مبارك وابنه .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت ضد الخصخصة ونهب ثروات البلاد وبيع القطاع العام وتشريد العمال .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت ضد استئثار قلة بثروات البلاد وتجويع وافقار الشعب المصرى .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت ضد تدهور مستوى التعليم وتخريج أجيال جديدة أمية جاهلة .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت ضد إنحدار الأخلاق وتشويه القيم والنفاق الذى يقدمه الإعلام المصرى يوميا .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت قلقا على أبنائك وساعيا لمستقبل أفضل لهم .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت تريد الدفاع عن حقوقك وحقوق أسرتك وأبنائك وأهلك .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت تحب مصر وتنتمى حفا لها .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
إذا كنت – حتى – تسعى لقاء يوم إجازة تنسى فيه هموم الحياة اليومية وقضاء وقت سعيد مع زوجتك وأبنائك وأسرتك .. خليك فى البيت وارفع علم مصر
ساهم معنا فى الدعوة لحملة " خليك فى البيت يوم 23 يوليو .. وارفع علم مصر "
انشر الدعوة مكتوبة أو شفهية لكل أهلك وأصدقائك وزملائك ومعارفك
انشر الدعوة عبر مراسلة الصحف والمواقع الإلكترونية والمنتديات والمدونات والمجموعات البريدية والقنوات الفضائية وكافة وسائل الإعلام
انشر الدعوة بعمل استفتاءات واستطلاعات رأى بين الناس
انشر الدعوة بابداع تصميمات للحملة وشعارات مكتوبة وأبيات شعر وقصائد تروج للحملة
انشر الدعوة بتشكيل لجنة فى الشارع أو الحى أو المنطقة أو القرية أو المدينة التى تقيم فيها لتبنى الحملة والإعداد لها
انشر الدعوة بتوزيع علم مصر ولصق بوسترات الحملة فى كل مكان
انشر الدعوة بتقديم أفكار ومقترحات جديدة عبر التواصل معنا من خلال
جريدة " الكرامة " : 9 شارع عماد الدين – القاهرة
حزب الكرامة : 2 شارع أمين سامى – المنيرة – القاهرة
منتديات الكرامة
Posted by خليك فى البيت at 2:43 PM
عبوووووووود said...
الفكرة رائعة جدا ومبتكرة
أحييكم عليها
لكن في نقطة
بما إن يوم 23 يوليو أجازة أصلا فيا ريت نقدر نستغل ده ونوصل الفكرة لجميع طبقات الشعب عشان ما تكونش مقتصرة على الطبقة اللي تعتبر طبقة المثقفين
يعني بمعنى أصح لازم نستغل حالة الغليان اللي انتشرت بشكل كبير بين طائفة زي طائفة العمال ونحاول نوصلهم الفكرة دي وأعتقد إنها ممكن تنال قبول عند قطاع كبير جدا من الناس
أحييكم مرة تانية على الفكرة دي
June 15, 2007 2:25 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
سعدنا بمرورك وكلامك وسعدنا بأعجابك للفكرة
وفعلا كلامك صح وياريت تقدر تنشر الفكرة وتعرف كل الناس بالمدونة دى علشان الفكرة تنجح
June 15, 2007 2:36 PM
شباب روش طحن said...
فكرة جيدة أتمني أن تأتي بثمارها
June 15, 2007 5:22 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
شباب روش طحن
أن شاء الله تأتى بثمار جيدة
بس المهم نشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
June 15, 2007 5:33 PM
ibn nasser - ابن ناصر said...
انا ممكن تزودني من المدونات التي تؤيد الفكره
اضع الشعار في مدنتي الاصليه ابن ناصر
وكاتب شعر وبوست مخصوص لخليك في البيت علي مدوتي الاخره ثائر
June 16, 2007 3:35 AM
ibn nasser - ابن ناصر said...
تعديل اللينكات
June 16, 2007 3:36 AM
fares said...
ابناء مصر بنحب. هنقدر. هنغير
June 16, 2007 4:28 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
ابن ناصر
اكيد طبعا هضيف اللينك وياريت فعلا تنشروا الحملة لكل اللى تعرفوهم
June 16, 2007 7:38 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
مرحبا بك معنا ونتمنى نشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
June 16, 2007 7:45 AM
أحمد مختار عاشور said...
بس مش ملاحظين وجود مفارقة ساخرة من
"الى متى سنظل هكذا نسير بجوار الحائط"
و بعدين نروح نخلينا فى البيت
June 16, 2007 9:38 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
أحمد مختار عاشور
هي فعلا مفارقة ساخرة بس أيه رأيك مش حلوة
ياريت تنشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
وسعدنا بزيارتك
June 16, 2007 10:10 AM
ضد الظلم said...
يشرفنى ان اكون عضو حزب الكرامه
ويشرفنى ايضا محاولاتكم الجاده للتغيير ولكن انا عن نفسى لا يمكننى الجلوس فى البيت فانتم على درايه بمصاعب الحياه وانى ارى انه من الصعب ان تقنع الشعب المصرى يوم اجازة ان يستقر فى المنزل فهو يحلم بيوم الاجازة لكى يمتع اسرته برؤيته واسعادهم به ورغبه فى ان ينسى متاعب العمل ستمنعه من الجلوس فى البيت ولكن انا سانشر الفكره وساضع الشعار فى مدونتى محاوله منى لتحريك الحس الوطنى وامل التغيير السلمى
June 16, 2007 10:51 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
ضد الظلم
طبعا حضرتك غنى عن التعريف
ولو حضرتك مش هتقدر تشارك و تقعد فى البيت ممكن تشارك بنشر الحملة لكل الناس اللى تعرفهم
June 16, 2007 12:16 PM
kaed said...
حاضر حخلينى فى البيت و حرفع علم مصر وعشانا عليك يارب
واللة الواحد جرب حاجات كتير و منفعتش يمكن تصيب المرة دى
June 16, 2007 4:11 PM
Mustafa Şenalp said...
June 16, 2007 11:53 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
أن شاء الله هتصيب ونرجو منك نشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
June 17, 2007 6:59 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
mustafa senalp
على فكرة أنا مش فاهمة معنى كلامك ياريت لو تقدر تترجمه للعربى تعمل كده أو حتى للأنجليزى
June 17, 2007 7:03 AM
awres said...
ان شاء الله تتوسع الفكرة و تنال تقبل كبير و تنجح في تفاعل الكثير
June 17, 2007 11:08 AM
david santos said...
Thanks for you work and have a good week
June 17, 2007 11:35 AM
bastokka طهقانة said...
لا مش حقدر
June 18, 2007 6:27 AM
bastokka طهقانة said...
لا مش حقدر
June 18, 2007 6:27 AM
يوغرطة said...
أصدقائي كنت سعيدا جدا بدعوتكم
لكني آسف لأني لا أستطيع المشاركة وحملتكم ببساطة لأني لست مواطن مصري
لكني حقا متضامن مع اي حملة في الوطن العربي تهدف إلى التغيير و الإصلاح
و مهما ابتعدت المسافات فالخال واحد
على الأقل سأشارك يوم 23 يوليو بمقال عن حملتكم أهدف من خلاله إلى تشجيع حركة المجتمع المدني لما فيه من خير لأوطننا ... ولتكن حملتكم نموذجا
تقبلوا تحياتي و بالتوفيق
June 18, 2007 3:27 PM
hapasa said...
فعلا فكرة جميل جدا ومهمة جدا
بس لو على شبا التدوين فجمي قوى
بس برده يرياريت من تحركات على مستوى الشارع
لازم الوعى الى أصبح فيه شباب التدوين يوصل كمان للشارع
شوف كده لو عندك أفكار انا مستعد لمشارؤكة وفيه كتير أوى متحمسين للفكرة
June 19, 2007 1:53 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
ان شاء الله وياريت تنشر الفكرة
June 19, 2007 4:13 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
david santos
شكرا على كلامك وزيارتك وتمنياتى بقضاء وقت ممتع
June 19, 2007 4:17 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
ولا يهمك بس ياريت تنشرى الفكرة على قد ما تقدرى
June 19, 2007 4:23 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
أحنا متشكرين جدا على تضامنك معنا وعلى تعاونك فى نشر الفكرة
June 19, 2007 4:28 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
بجد احنا سعداء بحماسك لمساعدتنا وأكيد أحنا عايزين ناس تنشر الفكر وتساعدنا والفكرة مش بس منتشرة فى المدونات دى منتشرة فى أماكن كتير وأنا نقلتها من منتدى الكرامة لهنا علشان أنشرها للمدونين وكمان الفكرة محتاجة تتوسع فى الشارع كمان ويسعدنا أنك تساعدنا
ولو فعلا تقدر تساعد أبعت لنا على الأيميل ده
علشان نقدر ننسق معاك أكتر
June 19, 2007 4:50 AM
قنديل said...
الله أكبر..
كده بدأنا بجد طريق الحرية..
حتي لو المحاولة لقدر الله فشلت فهي بداية جيدة
June 20, 2007 6:15 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
فعلا لو المحاولة ما نجحتش أدينا حاولنا
وهنحاول تانى وثالث لحد ما تنجح
شكرا على زيارتك وياريت تنشر الفكرة
June 21, 2007 5:28 AM
Arabs in Space said...
تهاني القلبية على الموقع ، واتوقع له الازدهار.
العرب في الفضاء
قد يهمكم الاطلاع الموضوع التالي:
آيفكس – أنباء من الشبكة الدولية لتبادل المعلومات حول حرية التعبير
21 يونيو / حزيران 2007
القاهرة - مصر
** دليل جديد للمدونين والصحافة الإليكترونية **
** الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان – HRInfo **
رحبت اليوم الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان بصدور دليل جديد عن الصحافة الشعبية على الانترنت ، أعده الصحفي والمدرب الإعلامي "ستيفن فرنكلين" وهو دليل مختصر وبسيط يهدف إلى مساعدة المدونين المبتدئين الراغبين في العمل كصحفيين شعبيين على الانترنت.
والدليل الذي يقع في نحو عشرة صفحات يحمل عنوان "عشر خطوات نحو الصحافة الشعبية على الانترنت " تم إعداده ليتضمن نصائح وتعريف بالصحافة الشعبية وحقوق المدونين بشكل مبسط ونظري ، وينشر اليوم باللغة العربية لمساعدة المدونين العرب الراغبين في العمل كصحفيين على الانترنت ، وينوي فرنكلين ترجمته إلى لغات أخرى مثل الاسبانية والفارسية ليستفيد منه المدونين في تلك البلدان.
وفضلا عن نشر هذا الدليل اليوم على موقع المبادرة العربية لإنترنت حر التابع للشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان ، فقد تم طباعته على اسطوانة مدمجة ( CD) بالإضافة إلى بعض الموضوعات التي تكمل دور هذا الدليل والتي أعدها مدونون عرب ومنظمة مراسلون بلا حدود " مع ذكر المصادر والإشارة إليها" ليجد المستخدم عددا من الموضوعات التي تبدأ بكيفية إنشاء مدونة وكيفية الحفاظ على الهوية وتأمين البريد الإليكتروني ، فضلا عن نصائح تقنية تفيد المستخدم المبتدئ.
للإطلاع على نسخة الدليل :
لمراسلة ستيفن فرنكلين ، معد الدليل:
لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء الاتصال ب:
جمال عيد
المدير التنفيذي
الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان
شارع 105 ميدان الحرية - المعادي - القاهرة - مصر
ت / فاكس : 5249544
إيميل : info@hrinfo.net
: gamal4eid@yahoo.com
الموقع: www.hrinfo.org
تم إرسال هذا البيان بمعرفة مركز استلام وتوزيع تنبيهات وبيانات الشبكة الدولية لتبادل المعلومات حول حرية التعبير
555 شارع ريتشموند غرب, رقم 1101
صندوق بريد 407
تورونتو, كندا
هاتف رقم :+1 416 515 9622 فاكس رقم : +1 416 515 7879
بريد عام ifex@ifex.org
بريد برناكج الشرق الأوسط و شمال افريقيا (مينا) mena@ifex.org
زوروا موقعنا http://www.ifex.org و للعربية زوروا http://hrinfo.net/ifex/
June 22, 2007 10:16 AM
الربان said...
اسمحوا لي ان ابدي وجهة نظر...
1ـ رفع علم مصر في الشوارع و الحواري و الازقة...و في كل مكان...عمل حضاري و يجب ان نسهم فيه جميعا..و نعمق فكرة الانتماء و الولاء للوطن.
2ـ فكرة العصيان ، في رأيي ، غير مطلوبة و لا مرغوبه، علي الاقل حاليا، المنطقة بأكملها علي شفا جرف هار ..
3ـ كلنا نتغني بحب مصر ، و كلنا بننتقد المسؤولين من صغارهم الي كبارهم،
هيا بنا نري ماذا قدمنا نحن كشباب و محبين لمصر...لا شيء ، نعم لا شيء سوي انتقادات ..و شعارات براقة رنانة في عشق مصر و الحرية ....
4ـ لم نقم بعمل إيجابي في حب مصر...معظمنا الان في إجازة صيفية
و الملل مسيطر علي الاجازة الا القليل منا...لماذا لا نحاول تكوين مجموعة محبي مصر... تعمل بالتنسيق مع المحافظات علي العمل لتجميل المدن...
لماذا لا نعمل علي زيارة المستشفيات
و تقديم العون النفسي و المعنوي للمرضي...
العصيان تقدم للخلف في زمن لا ينفع فيه الا التقدم للامام.
تحياتي و تقديري
June 23, 2007 10:08 PM
sara said...
عملتوا مدونة كمان
طيب والله مجهود هايل
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
ياريت كمان تقولوا للناس ممكن نعمل ايه
June 24, 2007 11:32 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
arabs in space
شكرا لك على موضوعك المهم جدا بالنسبة لكل المدونين
تحياتى لكم
June 25, 2007 7:21 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
كل اللى حضرتك قلته كويس وجميل جدا وياريت فعلا كل الناس تشارك فيه
وفكرة العصيان من وجهة نظرى ولو حضرتك شفت أنها بروفة بمعنى أننا هنقيس مدى أجتماع الناس كلها على فكرة واحدة ومدى نجاحها لأن نجاحها هايخلينا نعمل خطوة أكبر من كده بكتير
تحياتى لك
June 25, 2007 7:24 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
أكيد هنوضح أكتر للناس كل حاجة
تحياتى لكى
June 25, 2007 7:24 AM
adhm said...
عُلم وجارى التنفيذ
June 25, 2007 4:03 PM
ابن فطومة said...
هي فكرة رائعة. بس حد فكر في نشر الفكرة على نطاق أوسع؟ مهما كان الفئة اللي بتستخدم الانترنت محدودة. إيه مدى إمكانية لصق بوسترات أو تورزيع منشورات في الشارع؟
June 26, 2007 12:29 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
سعداء جدا بزيارتك وياريت تنشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
June 26, 2007 4:50 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
ابن فطومة
فعلا كلامك صح واللى أعرفه أنه فيه ناس هاتعمل اللى أنت بتقوله ولما هعرف باقى التفاصيل هعرفكم أكيد
وياريت تنشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
June 26, 2007 4:53 AM
hoda a. basset said...
شكرا يابسمة أولا على مجهودك ومساهمتك فى الحملة
أرغب فى الرد على كل الاستفسارات والتعليقات التى وردت على المدونة فهل تسمحى لى
أولا اختيارنا ليوم 23 يوليو سببه أنه يوم عطلة رسمية لتجربة القيام ببروفة تمرد جماعى بدون أى صدامات مع أمن النظام ، وعندما تنجح المحاولة (بروفة العصيان) سيليها اعتصام يوم عمل ثم اعتصام فى الشوارع والميادين
أى أننا لانبحث عن حائط نسير بجواره بل نمد الأيادى لنلتقى بأيادى أخواننا الذين يعانواالظلم صامتين
ثانيا عن نشرالفكرة على النت ، فنحن نسعى إلى ذلك ونطلب من كل من يتحمس للفكرة أن يقوم بدور فى محيطه لنشرهاعن طريق أصدقاؤه .. فنحن لسنا أصحاب الفكرة ولكننا تبنيناها عندما وجدناها دعوة هدفها نبيل تسعى لعمل ايجابى من أجل أنفسنا وأولادنا ومستقبل بلدنا
هانقدر نتغير .. ونغير ، إذا كانت ايدينا فى ايدين بعض
اذا تحركنا كلنا فى نفس الوقت وبنفس الحماس نفس الخطوة .. مش بس هانقدر ، وهاننجح كمان
همسة فى أذن ضد الظلم : كلنا بنحلم بيوم الأجازة لنتمتع به ، وبمصرنا حرة وعادت لنا
الأجازات كتير .. انما بروفة العصيان يوم واحد منهم
وهانتحمله من ضيق وزهق للبقاء فى البيت يوم واحد لنوصل رسالة
للنظام بأننا يدا واحدة (ضد الظلم)0
كان نفسى ياطهقانة تكونى معانا لأننا كلنا طهقانين
يابن فطومة هانطبع بوسترات وهاتلاقيها فى الشوارع ، بس ممكن أنت كمان ترسل ايميلات لكل أصحابك
ممكن كلكم تبعتوا ميلات لأصحابكم وهم لأصحابهم .. لغاية لما صوتنا يوصل لكل مصر
عبود ، شباب روش طحن ، ابن ناصر ، فارس ، أحمد عاشور ، قائد وكل من شارك برأى ، أحييكم على ايجابيتكم البناءة ، ودعواتنا كلنا أن تأتى الحملة بثمارها وتكون خطوة فى طريق التغيير السلمى
هدى عبد الباسط
June 26, 2007 1:08 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
أستاذه هدى مرحبا بك
وطبعا أوافق على تعاونك معى هنا فى الرد على كل الأستفسارات ولكى جزيل الشكر على هذا التعاون
وأتمنى أن تشرفينى هنا دائما لكى نوصل الفكرة أكثر وأكثر
تحياتى لكى
June 27, 2007 7:11 AM
Anonymous said...
ماشى يا عم الكتكوت
بس بالمرة بقى خلى الحزب بتاعك يدفع أجور العمال اللى شغالين باليومية حتى فى يوم الأجازة مطحونين لما يرفعوا راية العصيان المدنى
يا شيخ اتلهى جتكوا خيبة
كل اللى انتم فالحين فيه الاضراب والمظاهرات والعصيان ده يعنى على اعتبار انكم ملايكة ومش بتغلطوا
من كان منكم بلا خطيئة فليرمها بحجر
جتكوا القرف مليتوا البلد
على فكرة انا مش هاقعد فى البيت لأنى لو قعدت هيتخصم منى فلوس لأنى عندى شغل فى يوم الأجازة
يا ترى انتم بقى هتأكلوا عيالى بدالى ولا هتدونى مكافأة العصيان المدنى
ارحمونا يرحمكم الله
June 27, 2007 3:32 PM
hoda a. basset said...
الدعوة دى للى يقدر يقعد فى البيت يوم الأجازة لكن طبعا اللى عنده شغل كفاية يرفع العلم
وبعدين الحقيقة العمال هم أكثر من شجعنا على تلك الخطوة لأنهم أول من اعتصم وأضرب عن الطعام لنيل حقوقهم . وياريت نكون بجد ملينا مصر ، كده يبقى مصر قربت تتغير
واذا انت شايف أنك سعيد وأخدت كل حقوقك من علاج لتعليم لبيت تتجوز فيه لمستقبل لك ولأولادك ضامنه وأكلة هنية من غير مبيدات ومرتبك مكفيك .. يبقى خلاص بلاش تشترك فى أى دعوة للعصيان المدنى لأن الدعوة دى موجهة للشعب المطحون اللى احنا منه
لما الواحد بيختار السلبية والاستسلام وكمان يكون راضى .. بلاش يرمينا احنا بحجر
تحياتى لك
June 28, 2007 1:20 PM
Anonymous said...
الأستاذه الفاضله بسمه أحييك من قلبي على هذا المجهود الرائع وعلى حماسك المحمود ودورك في نشر الفكره من خلال هذه المدونه وأستطيع ان أضيف سبب واحد لكل من يتردد في المشاركه في هذا العصيان التجريبي 00
كلنا متفقين أن فيه الظلم والظلم فاق المدى وأننا خلاص قربنا نتجنن ونكلم نفسنا من الى بيحصل لينا في بلدنا أظن لحد كدا الكل متفق طيب00
مستخصر تاخد موقف ولو حتى بسيط بأنك تقعد في بيتك يوم وتوصل رسالتك الى كل من ظلمك00
لما أولادك يكبروا ويلاقوا وضعهم أسوأ الف مره من الوضع الحالى ويسألوك يابابا كان ايه دورك عملت عشنا أيه؟؟
هتقول أيـــــــــه
بلاش أولادك لما تقف قدام ربنا ويسألك عملت أيه عشان تغير المنكر والى بيحصل فينا دلوقتي اكبر منكر هتقوله أيـــــه؟؟
ميمكن لو قعدت في بيتك يوم وهو يوم أجازه أصلا مش ممكن على الأقل تقدر تجاوب أولادك وتكون أخذت ولو خطوه بسيطه في تغيير المنكر الحالى تنقذك قدام ربنا00
وعلى الأقل بينك وبين نفسك تقدر تحترم نفسك وتحس انك كان ليك وقفه وموقف من الى بيحصل ليك....
تحياتي دمتم على خير00
دكتور/محمد عبدالله المكاوي
June 29, 2007 4:43 PM
أشرف حمدي said...
أقعد في البيت يوم 23 يوليو ؟
طل ما أنا كده كده قاعد .. مش ده أجازة رسمية يا جدعان
فكرة عبيطة معلش اسمحولي
مالقيتوش الا يوم اجازة وتقولوا عصيان مدني
؟ هو فين العصيان ده ؟
June 30, 2007 12:47 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
طبعا الأستاذه هدى مشكورة قامت بالرد على حضرتك وأنا كنت عايزة أضيف حاجة وهيا أن مش حزب الكرامة بس اللى متبنى الفكرة
الفكرة مش فكرة حزب الفكرة فكرة مجموعة شباب والحزب تباناها وفيه أحزاب كتير تبنت الفكرة بمعنى أن ناس كتير فى مصر ومع أختلاف أحزابهم وتوجاتهم متبنين الفكرة
أتمنى أن الفكرة تكون وصلت لحضرتك ولو فيه أى أستفسار ياريت تقوله
تحياتى لك
June 30, 2007 5:01 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
دكتور محمد المكاوى
أشكرك على مساعدتك هذه وأيضاح الكثير من الأمور
تحياتى لك
June 30, 2007 5:06 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
أشرف حمدى
أولا مرحبا بك
ثانيا الموضوع أسمه بروفة العصيان المدنى والجملة دى لها معنى كبير ومعناها أننا بنعمل بروفة وبنقيس مدى أجتماع الناس على فكرة ومدى نجاحها وعندما تنجح سوف يلى هذا العصيان العديد من ألأمور المشابهة وفى أيام عادية
تحياتى لك
June 30, 2007 5:10 AM
حسام مؤنس said...
العزيزة بسمة ..
العزيزة هدى ..
الزملاء الاعزاء الذين تفاعلوا مع حملة " خليك فى البيت"
خالص التحية لمجهودكم العظيم فى نشر الفكرة والدعوة للمشاركة فى الحملة ..
وطبعا منطقى جدا ان ناس تتفق مع الفكرة وناس تختلف معاها .. لكن المؤكد أن كلنا هدفنا واحد .. وان كلنا لو لقينا اى خطوة جادة تمثل ادنى امل فى تغيير هذا النظام .. هنوافق عليها فورا ونبدأ ننفذها طالما فى امكاننا ..
وحتى الآن ، فكرة "خليك فى البيت" هى أفضل فكرة طرحت بأقل تكلفة أو تضحية ممكنة .. ومحدش جربها قبل كده فى مصر عشان نحكم عليها مسبقا ونقول ناجحة او فاشلة .. يبقى ليه منجربهاش ..
المؤكد أن مصر اذا نجحت الدعوة لحملتنا وشارك فيها الاف المصريين ، ستشهد 23 يوليو مختلف .. ستشهد يوم 23 يوليو حقيقى هو الأقرب طوال الـ55 عام الماضية الى يوم 23 يوليو 52 ..
لا يمكن لأحدنا أن يدعى ان هذا اليوم سيكون نهاية نظام مبارك .. لكن لو نجحنا جميعا فى التوحد على موقف واحد بسيط مثل تنفيذ فكرة خليك فى البيت ورفع علم مصر .. فالمؤكد أن تلك ستكون بداية النهاية ..
خالص تحياتى لجهودكم .. واتمنى ان يزداد نشاطنا فى الايام القليلة المتبقية ..
حسام مؤنس
July 1, 2007 11:44 AM
كرم مسلم said...
السلام عليكم
انا هنا مش بعلق على الفكرة
انا انبه الأخوة والأخوات الى شى ربما يعرفه الكثير ولكننا نريد أن نتناساه
وهو قول الله عز وجل
"أن الله لايغير ما بقوم حتى يغيرو ما بأنفسهم"
فنحن مهما قدمنا من اقتراحات ونحن بعدين عن كتاب الله عز وجل وعن هدى المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم فلن تكون هناك نتيجة وسيستمر الأمر على ما هو عليه أن لم يتحول الى الأسؤ
ولكن أن اقتربنا الى كتاب ربنا وهدى المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم وحولنا اسلامنا الى منهج عملى على أرض الواقع عندها نكون أهلا لأن يغير الله الحال ألى أفضل حال
أسال الله أن يهدى الجميع ويغير الحال ألى خير حال اللهم امين
وأذكر بقول الله عز وجل
"وعد الله الذين آمنوا منكم وعملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلف الذين من قبلهم وليمكنن لهم دينهم الذي أرتضى لهم وليبدلنهم من بعد خوفهم أمنا يعبدونني لا يشركون بي شيئا ومن كفر بعد ذلك فأولئك هم الفاسقون"
هل قرأتم آمنوا ثم عملوا الصالحات ويعبدوننى لا يشركون بى شيئا
اسال الله أن نعى الدرس جيدا
وأسال الله لك أخى الكريم صاحب مدونة خليك فى البيت أو اختنا الفاضلة التوفيق والسداد
معذرة على الأطالة
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
July 2, 2007 9:56 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
حسام مؤنس
الأخ العزيز جدا كم كانت سعادتى كبيرة عندما وجدت مشاركتك هنا وأشكرك على وجودك الذى يعنى لى الكثير
وأشكرك على أيضاحك للفكرة وأتمنى وجودك هنا دائما
تقبل خالص تحياتى
July 3, 2007 10:37 AM
كرم مسلم said...
السلام عليكم
خليك فى البيت
كنت أحب أن أرى رأيك فى كلامى ولكنى منذ 3 أيام لم أرى تعليقك مع أنى رأيت لك كلاما بعد كلامى تعليقا على الاستاذ حسام مؤنس
أحب أن أرى رأيك فى كلامى
July 5, 2007 6:46 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
كرم مسلم
السلام عليكم
وأعتذر بشدة عن تأخرى فى الرد على تعليقك الذى كنت أنوى كتابتة بعد ردى على حسام مؤنس ولكن لظروف خارجة عن أرادتى لم أستطع الرد أرجو أن تتقبل أعتذارى
أولا أود أن اسألك سؤال هل ترى فى فكرتنا هذه أى مخالفة للدين أو السنه أو لعقيدتنا
بالطبع لا أنا لا أرى أى مخالفة فيها لعقيدتنا أو لديننا لأن الدين أمرنا بأن نطالب بحقوقنا ولا نتركها وأن نتحرك ولا نقف مكتوفى الأيدى ونقول أن الله سوف يأخذ لنا حقنا
نحن كلنا على علم بأمور ديننا الواضحة أمامنا كلنا
وأريد أن أذكرك بحديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( من رأى منكم منكرافليغيره بيده ، فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه ، فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه ، وذلك أضعف الإيمان ) 0
وأنت بالطبع ترى كل شىء يحدث حولنا من ضياع حقوقنا الى المهانة والذل والفقر والبطالة وغيرها وغيرها من الأمور التى نعيشها ومن سنين نتمنى أنتهائها
وأكيد كلنا نعلم أننا فعلنا أشياء كثيرة مثل المظاهرات والأعتصامات وغيرها وغيرها من الأشياء التى كثيرا ما تضر بالذين يقومون بها من ناحية الأعتقال والمعاملة الغير لائقة من الأمن وغيرها من الأشياء التى نعلمها كلنا
لذلك فهذا الأعتصام أكثر أمانا لكل الناس ويجب أن تعرف أنها تجربة وبروفة نقوم بها لنرى مدى نجاحها لكى نقوم بغيرها بطريقة أقوى وأنا أعلم أن الكثيرين يرون أنه أعتصام جبان ولكنى أرى أنه أكثر أمانا وأكثر قدرة على توصيل فكرتنا وعلى تجميعنا عل فكرة واحدة
وأنا فى أنتظار تعليقك فى أى وقت
July 5, 2007 7:35 AM
أمــانــى said...
ان شاء الله ححاول
وبعد اذنك انا ححاول اطبع الموضوع واعرض الفكرة على الرغم انى متاكدة انهم لن احد يفكر حتى فى القراءة
تحياتى لحضرتك
July 5, 2007 9:16 AM
كرم مسلم said...
السلام عليكم
أكرر لك كلامى مرة أخرى
فنحن مهما قدمنا من اقتراحات ونحن بعدين عن كتاب الله عز وجل وعن هدى المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم فلن تكون هناك نتيجة وسيستمر الأمر على ما هو عليه أن لم يتحول الى الأسؤ
ولكن أن اقتربنا الى كتاب ربنا وهدى المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم وحولنا اسلامنا الى منهج عملى على أرض الواقع عندها نكون أهلا لأن يغير الله الحال ألى أفضل حال
أسال الله أن يهدى الجميع ويغير الحال ألى خير حال اللهم امين
هذا هو ما أحببتت أن انبه عليه فأنا لست ضد أى فكرة ما دامت لا تخالف شريعتنا ولكننى أحب أن نسلك أقصر الطرق وهو الالتزام بدين الله
عندها سيجعل الله منا من يغير الحال وليس كما فهمت انت أن نقف مكتوفى الأيدى ونقول أن الله سوف يأخذ لنا حقنا
ولكن علينا الأخذ بالأسباب
وأحب أوضح أن انا فى بداية تعليقى السابق قلت أنا هنا مش بعلق على الفكرة
وأكملت وجهة نظرى فلست مؤيدا ولا معارضا للفكرة
أنما أحببت أن الفت النظر لطريقة أسهل
وجزاك الله خيرا
July 5, 2007 9:51 AM
shahy said...
السلام عليكم
انا هاعلق العلم ان شاء الله
مع اني مقتنعة ان مفيش فايدة
وربنا معنا
July 5, 2007 11:10 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
سعدت جدا بزيارتك وحماسك للمشاركة فى الحملة وبالطبع أنا لا أمانع فى طبع الموضوع ونشرة قدر الأمكان
July 5, 2007 1:06 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
كرم مسلم
أشكرك على تعليقك للمرة الثانية وصدقنى أنا لم أقصد من كلامى أنى أتهمك أنك تقول لنا أن نقف مكتوفى الأيدى وأن الله سوف يأخذ لنا حقنا
أنا لم أقصد هذا
ووجهه نظرك أنا فهماها جيدا ولكنى كنت أطرح عليك هذا السؤال وأعرض وجهة نظرى لكى أعرف رأيك وننتاقش أكثر
وعلى العموم وجهة نظرك لها كل الأحترام وفى أنتظار المزيد من التعليقات
July 5, 2007 1:24 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
شكرا على مشاركتك حتى لو كانت على غير أقتناع فهذا الشىء لم يكلفنا شىء وهى تجربة ونتمنى أن تنجح
July 5, 2007 1:25 PM
قومى الى الابد said...
الفكرة رئعة جدا وانا اؤيدها ولكن لمذا لا نتجه الى الشارع فى اضراب واسع المد رافعين صورة جمال عبدلناصر الى جوار علم مصر تعبيرا عما يدور بداخلنا تجاه هذا الرجل مؤسس تلك الثورة
July 6, 2007 8:01 AM
high_staff said...
اوكى انا معاكم بس عايزة اقول ان احنا عملتاها قيل كدة يوم ما حطينا العلم فى البلكونات وطفينا النور كلنا عملنا اية؟ دة علاوة على انة يوم اجازة واصلا حكاية القعاد قى البيت دى بتريحهم قوى ما هما محتلين الشوارع بيلطشوا فى البشر عشان مش عايزين الناس فى الشوارع من اصلة ياريت ندور على افكار توجعهم اكتر من كدة بس اوكى معاكم
July 6, 2007 8:03 AM
mariamagdolen new said...
انا معاك
July 8, 2007 10:06 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
قومى الى الأبد
سعداء جدا بترحيبك بالفكرة ونحن الآن نريد أن ننفذ فكرة أكثر أمانا لكل الناس
وبالتأكيد بعد ذلك سوف تكون هناك أفكار أكثر
تحياتى لك
July 8, 2007 11:31 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
نرحب بيكى وبترحيبك للفكرة
وأن شاء الله هاتكون فيه أفكار كثيرة بعد هذه الفكرة
July 8, 2007 11:34 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
mariamagdolen new
سعداء أنك معنا وياريت تنشر الفكرة قدر الأمكان
July 8, 2007 11:35 AM
doudou said...
أولا أحب ابدأ انى متعاطفة جدا مع كفاية لكن أحب أقولكم ان دة بداية التهاية. يعنى أنا مسمعتش عن الموضوع ده إلا لما علقوا عليه من شويه باستنكار فى القاهرة اليوم "مين ده اللى يقدر يقعد المصريين فى البيت؟" وبصراحة أنا نفسى حسيت انكم فى السحاب مع انى فى وقت من الأوقات كنت أكبر المتحمسين لكم. يعنى يا جماعة العصيان المدنى ده محتاج ملايين ما ينفعش يتلم 200 واحد بتوع كل مرة ويعملوا عصيان مدنى. اللى يكلم يكلم على اده وبناء على حجمه الحقيقى فى الشارع وإلا حيبعد الناس عنه اكتر.أنا لو ماشية فى الشارع ولقيت 100-200 واحد ملمومين فى الشارع وسألت مين دول فقالولى دول كفاية عاملين عصيان مدنى حاقول "احنا ناقصين .. بلا خيبة هى دى بقى النخبة.. من صدق عايشين فى برج عاجى وهبل لو يصدقوا ان اى حد من عامة الشعب ممكن يستجيب لكم". عموما تمنياتى بالتوفيق
July 8, 2007 2:22 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
أولا أرحب برأيك جدا
بس فيه فكرة لازم أوصلها وهى أن فكرة العصيان المدنى مش فكرة حزب الكرامة دى فكرة مجموعة شباب وحزب الكرامة تبناها وفيه أحزاب كتير أيدت الفكرة يعنى الفكرة مش فكرة مجموعة صغيرة لا الفكرة كبيرة وفيه ناس كتير تعرفها
ولو تابعتى أعداد جريدة الكرامة هاتلاقى ردود الأفعال على الحملة وهاتلاقى أن ناس كتير أيدت الفكرة
وهاتلاقى لينك الجريدة فى الصفحة الرئيسية
تحياتى لكى
July 10, 2007 1:19 PM
mo'men mohamed said...
الفكرة كويسة
ويا ريت تطبق بحكمة
السلام عليكم
July 10, 2007 4:43 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
moamen mohamed
سعداء بمشاركتك وبأعجابك بالفكرة وياريت تنشرها قدر الأمكان
تحياتى لك
July 11, 2007 7:36 AM
حسن ارابيسك said...
فكرة العلم جيدة
انما اختيار اليوم وهو بالطبع يوم أجازة من وجهة نظري ليست بالجيدة
لكن اختيار يوم بديل له يوم عمل
وذلك لسباب كثيرة تعلمها اكيد وتعلم نتائجها
عموماً مستصغر الشرر ده هو أهم ما في الموضوع
لذلك أنا لم أذهب بعيداً وكانت كلماتي مشاركة بسيطة مني في مدونتي المتواضعة
أتمنى تشريفك لي في مدونتي
هاتنور بزيارتك ليها
ودعوة أخرى لزيارة مدونة شاعر تستحق الزيارة
July 14, 2007 10:48 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
حسن أرابيسك
سعداء بزيارتك وبعرضك لوجهه نظرك ونتمى أن تنجح الفكرة التى سوف يليها أفكار أخرى
تحياتى لك
July 15, 2007 2:44 PM
أحمد عبدالناصر said...
انا راْيى ان احنا قعدنا كتير فى البيت والشعارات تعمل ايه لناس ودن من طين وودن عجين واذا كنا بنراهن على احتجاج صامت فاحنا كده كده صامتين
انا قلت راييى المتواضع وخلصت زمتى
July 15, 2007 6:35 PM
علاء said...
ده موضوع التجمع ياريت أعرف رأيك
المدوّن خانة
July 16, 2007 3:33 AM
Anonymous said...
والواحد يشتري علم مصر منين؟
July 19, 2007 5:17 AM
صاحب البوابــة said...
اعتذر عن التحليق خارج السرب
لكنني أريد رأيكم للأهمية في آخر موضوع لي
شكــر وإعتــذار
July 20, 2007 11:23 AM
يساري مصري said...
نشرت على مدونتي عن اهمية المشاركه و بعض التفاصيل
& crated event on face book لكل النشطاء السياسين المصرين
July 20, 2007 8:39 PM
خليك فى البيت said...
أحمد عبدالناصر
الأختلاف فى الرأى لا يفسد للود قضية
ولكن أنت تعلم كل ما يحدث للناس عندما يخرجون فى مظاهرات أو أعتصامات فى الشارع لذلك جاءت هذه الفكرة لتكون أكثر أمانا وهى ليست الأخيرة ولكن هى بداية
خالص تحياتنا لك
July 21, 2007 2:51 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
كنا نتمنى معرفة رأيك فى هذا الموضوع
خالص تحياتنا لك
July 21, 2007 2:52 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
الحكاية بسيطة وحتى لو مالاقتش مكان بيبع الأعلام ممكن تجيب قطعة قماش وترسم عليها علم وتلونها
وأكيد جمب أى أستاد ممكن تلاقى أماكن بتبيع الحاجات دى علشان المباريات
خالص تحياتنا لك
July 21, 2007 2:54 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
صاحب البوابة
كنا نتمنى معرفة رأيك
خالص تحياتنا لك
July 21, 2007 2:55 AM
خليك فى البيت said...
يسارى مصرى
نشكرك على سرعة أستجابتك
ونشر الفكرة
خالص تحياتنا لك
July 21, 2007 2:58 AM
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تابعوا ردود الأفعال على حملة خليك فى البيت من خلال جريدة الكرامة
جريدة الكرامة
الأماكن التى تنشر الفكرة
الأنباء العالمية
غد اونلاين
ملتقيات شباب الأزهر
ستار نت
مدونة لقطات
منتديات واتا الحضارية
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شبكة عربى
منتديات عبدالرحمن يوسف
منتديات أمل الأمه
عيلة النجعاوية
منتديات عبدالرحمن ياسر
المنتدى الحوراى لأذاعة مصر اليوم
منتديات شبكة عربى
مدونة ثائر
مدونة ابن ناصر
منتديات دردشة
حركة كفاية
ااااه يا مصر
مدونة المستقبل
لمتابعة المزيد عن الحملة أدخلوا على هذه الروابط
خليك فى البيت ليوم واحد
دعوة للأشتراك بأشعارك فى حملة خليك فى البيت
الى متى سنظل هكذا نسير بجوار الحائط الى متى سنظل نخرص أصواتنا ونسد أفواهنا الى متى سنظل صامتين ونترك حقنا لغيرنا ال متى سنظل مثل النعام نغرس رؤوسنا فى الرمال الى متى سنظل واقفين مكتوفى الأيدى نشاهد ولا نفعل الى متى سنظل نهتف ونهلل نفاقا للآخرين الى متى سنظل جبناء خائفين من الكلام لو كنت عايز حقك يرجعلك لو عايز تشتغل تتعلم تلاقى علاج صح وطرق كويسة لو كنت عايز تعيش فى أمان وتتكلم براحتك لو كنت عايز حياتك تبقى أحس نيبقى خليك فى البيت وأرفع علم مصر
Posted by
11:10 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Blogging break, so over to you...
I am somehow not in the mood to write these days, hence all the copied and pasted news stories, so for the moment I live precariously through the blogs of my friends. A favourite recent post is from What Possessed Me and is one of many brilliantly narrated travel stories by Persephone who has just returned to NYC (reluctantly) from Ethiopia:
Bahir Dar diary: Move over, Maria Shriver
by Persephone
My hotel in Bahir Dar is steps away from the shore of Lake Tana. After several excruciating hours of boat travel through a monsoon to see the monasteries, I set out on a long walk along the papyrus-lined path leading to the source of the Nile.
I learn quickly that solitude is not easily attained in Ethiopia, nor is it considered a desirable state. A slender young Ethiopian man approaches me as I scan
the water for hippos and pelicans.
“Welcome you!” he says jovially.
Soon, an older man with an enormous gun joins our conversation. I ask him why he carries a gun when the surroundings seem so peaceful. Is it dangerous here? The slender man explains that his companion is guarding nearby chat fields. The leafy evergreen chat plant grows wild in Ethiopia and is coveted for the mild buzz it produces when chewed. I am curious about chat – or qat, as it’s known in the Middle East – and ask if I can see where it grows. An elaborate exchange in Amharic transpires between the guard and the slender man, and finally, they lead me far into a field. We walk for ten minutes and I begin to wonder if I will end up hacked up into a million pieces and discarded by the lake in a Hefty bag.
Finally, we come upon a host of scrubby chat bushes and the slender man begins to pick the tiniest and greenest leaves. When he offers, I chew a few tentatively, aware that getting fucked up in a field with two strangers and a large gun could be problematic. The chat is about as pleasant as a mouthful of aspirin, but I continue munching until they are satisfied. We walk back to the lake and I wait for the buzz. In the meantime, the slender man seems to have taken a shine to me. He tries to take my hand. Not wanting to be rude, I let it go limp, much like a raw pork chop, until he gives up.
“Why are you so fat?” he asks pleasantly.
Having given this a lot of thought lately, I am not offended, and convince myself that this must be some sort of post-famine compliment.
“Too much injera?” It’s true – I have been eating more Ethiopian food that is strictly necessary.
“But why do you not exercise?” he insists, still smiling.
This is definitely killing my buzz. Still, I am determined to have a cultural exchange with the slender young man and rise above my vanity.
“Because I’m too fat?” I am hoping this is the right answer, because he is nice and because I want to please him.
“I will kiss you now?” It’s not so much a question as a command. I decline politely, saying that I already have a boyfriend. A blatant lie, and apparently not a deterrent.
“Do you not like the black man?”
“No! No! I like the black man! I like the black man very much!” I am semi-hysterical, thinking I have somehow offended him.
“Then why don’t you marry me? We will make pig babies.”
Pig babies! Balls. Am I really that fat?
“Who is your boyfriend?” the young slender man asks. It appears that he wants to kick my boyfriend’s ass.
I think for a moment. “Arnold Schwarzenegger,” I say.
In the moment, it seems like a good idea. In fact, it seems perfectly plausible that Arnold Schwarzenegger would throw over his beautiful and accomplished wife to run away with me to Ethiopia during the rainy season.
The slender man’s eyes widen. “The Terminator!” The reverence with which he says this fills me with self-loathing and guilt.
“And you will marry him?”
“Yes,” I reply. “And we will make pig babies together.”
But the young man grows suspicious. He wants physical evidence of Arnold. “Where is he?” he asks. I begin to panic. I am suddenly reminded of the time when I told my parents that I won a huge swimming competition at day camp and had no trophy to show for it when they became dubious.
“Exercising!” I say triumphantly. Miraculously, this is the right answer. The slender young man nods sagely, and I slink away wondering what time Arnold is going to come home from his workout, for Chrissake.
Later, I see my new friend, Solomon, who was born and raised in Bahir Dar. I explain what has just transpired.
“Solomon, what’s a pig baby?”
He thinks for a moment. “BIG baby,” he says. “BIG.”
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12:57 PM
Labels: Blog break, Ethiopia, What Possessed her
Human vultures
Photo: Abu Malik/IRIN"They attend the scenes of bomb blasts to steal mobile phones, money and watches from the dead and badly hurt,"
IRAQ: Grim tattoo subculture emerges amid daily violence
19 July 2007 (IRIN)
"My age is the same as the olive tree," reads the blue tattoo on Qaisar Tariq al-Essawi's left shoulder.
Al-Eassawi, 36, got the tattoo so his family and close friends could recognise his remains if he ended up in a morgue.
"I selected this wording because only my family and close friends know about our olive tree which was planted by my father when I was born," al-Essawi, a father of two boys, told IRIN in Baghdad.
One response to sudden and violent death which has become commonplace in Iraq's turmoil, is the emergence of a new subculture - the etching of tattoo identities on people who fear becoming an unclaimed body in a packed morgue.
It is more than just another grim footnote in a nation brimming with sad stories. It points to how deeply war and sectarian bloodshed have transformed the way Iraqis live today and confront the constant possibility of death.
Violence-related deaths have markedly increased since sectarian violence intensified after the February 2006 bombing of a prized Shia shrine in Samarra, about 95km north of Baghdad.
The unidentified bodies of victims - handcuffed, showing signs of torture and with execution-style gunshot wounds - are routinely found in deserted areas, on rubbish dumps or floating in the River Tigris.
Estimates of civilian deaths since the 2003 US-led invasion vary widely - from 62,000 by the private Iraq Body Count group, to as many as 600,000 in a study published last year by the respected British medical journal, The Lancet. But the figures alone cannot fully explain how Iraqis have learned to cope with death.
Tattoos are becoming increasingly common in Iraq as people seek ways in which their bodies might be identified if they are killed and disfigured
Tattoo artists at work
One Baghdad tattoo artist said he had marked nearly 100 men aged 20-50 over the past three months.
"There are about 10 of us in Baghdad and about a dozen in other provinces," said a Fine Arts graduate who refused to be named for security reasons.
"We are working in our houses and people learn about us through word of mouth," he added.
Even mourners are prone to attack. Suicide bombers have targeted the funeral tents traditionally used by families to receive relatives, friends and neighbours.
That same fear keeps relatives from going to cemeteries to bury their dead or, in some cases, even publicising the victim's name.
Phone calls from the dead Some relatives of the dead receive calls from the mobile phones of loved ones who were missing, with callers claiming to hold them hostage and demanding ransom. When the money is delivered, the families are told their relatives are dead.
Salaheddin Enad al-Jabouri, a 55-year-old taxi driver in Baghdad, spent 10 days talking with unknown persons on the phone to win the release of his daughter whom they said they had kidnapped.
"I sold my car, my wife's gold and some of our furniture to raise the US$10,000 ransom they asked for, and we gave it to them," said al-Jabouri, a father of six.
"Next day, one of them called and said 'you idiot your daughter is in the morgue as she was killed in a car bomb explosion 10 days ago'," he said.
With all the daily suffering - what with poor services, explosions, bloody scenes everywhere you go and criminal acts - Iraqi society is almost finished.
A police officer who requested anonymity called such groups 'human vultures': "They attend the scenes of bomb blasts to steal mobile phones, money and watches from the dead and badly hurt," he said.
He blamed organised criminal gangs "who recruit policemen sometimes" to carry out such things, and they prefer maimed bodies that are very hard to identify.
"This is normal in such circumstances," said Abdul-Jabar Mohammed Amin, a Baghdad-based social researcher at the al-Mustansiriyah university.
"With all the daily suffering - what with poor services, explosions, bloody scenes everywhere you go and criminal acts - Iraqi society is almost finished," Abdul-Jabar said.
"Everyone has an excuse for what he did. They say they have families to feed and will do anything for them. And with this excuse, they go to any lengths to get money," he said.
"In such a society, dominated by the culture of blood and death, rehabilitation is almost impossible in the near future as at least one generation has become part of this culture [of violence]," he added.
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12:49 PM
Labels: Murder in Iraq
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Special Ynet report: Israeli journalist in Lebanon
From Ynet (includes video footage)
By Rinat Malkes
Published: 07.12.07, 17:51
One year after the war, Israeli reporter working for Brazilian newspaper visits Hizbullah's stronghold in southern Lebanon, meets Shiite group members and documents the destruction, recovery and despair in the land of cedars
Exactly one year after the war, I arrived in Lebanon as a correspondent of the Brazilian newspaper O Globo.
The word Israel must not be mentioned in Lebanon. I even cut the labels off my clothes, to make sure that not even one letter in Hebrew will accidentally be seen. In order to visit the villages in the south an approval from Hizbullah must be obtained.
"Where are you from?" I was asked by an organization member, and I, who made aliyah to Israel several years ago, was praying that he wouldn't notice how hard my legs were trembling.
A year after the Second Lebanon War, in the villages of south Lebanon the destruction is apparent everywhere. Life has not yet returned to normal, the water supply to some of the houses is cut off, and the power supply is also interrupted.
Hizbullah's fighters, on the other hand, have made a full recovery and are prepared for a potential future confrontation with the IDF. The sophisticated weapons provided by Iran since the ceasefires are ready to go into use.
At least 70 percent of the residents of Bint Jbeil, the Shiites' capital, have left the village. Despite the dozens of Hizbullah flags that are hung throughout the village and hundreds of posters proclaiming victory placed along the South's roads, one can not detect overt Hizbullah presence; no armed men on the streets, only top leaders of the organization know the whereabouts of the weapon depots.
Yet, Hizbullah is keeping an eye on every suspicious move. Young men on motorcycles roam the streets of Bint Jbeil. Several residents claim they are Hizbullah and that the UN Resolution will not stop them.
"We are Hizbullah. Israelis don't understand that our warriors are the residents of the area. They are farmers working their olive and tobacco fields. Over the years they realized that Israel is the enemy of the Lebanese people.
"They believe that Nasrallah can protect Lebanon from Zionist and American interests. If a war breaks out, these same farmers will take arms and fight for all of us. They'll never drive Hizbullah out of southern Lebanon," said one resident, an employee of the only guesthouse in the village.
A matter of life and death
When I tried talking to more locals, the conversation was interrupted by a Hizbullah man. "Stop immediately. We don't allow conversations with the residents," he barked at me. The man, who seemed angry, took me aside and looked me in the eye.
The interrogation continued: "Where are you from? Which countries have you visited?" I couldn't make a mistake, I had to lie. It was a matter of life and death. Had the man known I was from Israel, I would be in serious trouble.
Bint Jbeil is, undoubtedly, the village that endured the most attacks during the Second Lebanon War. Even today, electricity is available for only eight hours a day, and water is driven in on trucks from Tyre and Sidon.
The cleanup of the area from shell duds was completed only a few weeks ago. All of the residents are unemployed but they are slowly getting back on track – as Hizbullah promised to pay each family $10,000.
Tyre's Home Front Commander, Abass Garib, said nothing has changed in the past year. He was at the command's headquarters when the building was attacked by the IAF. He lay under the rubble for four hours. He believes the second round between Israel and Hizbullah is around the corner.
"After I was hit, I lost my confidence in mankind. We have been working so hard to save lives but then I realized life has no value in the Middle East," he said. "We feel hurt. Our government can't protect us."
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11:34 AM
Labels: Hizbullah, South Lebanon